The following steps can used to install and update Zoom on any Mac without local administrative access permissions. Do not use your local administrative access to install zoom on a CSUMB asset because it will make future updates to the Zoom software more difficult and may require a service ticket.
- Download the Zoom installer at the start of any meeting. Alternatively, you can install and test ahead of time at this address
- On the meeting start screen, click "download & run Zoom".
- You may need to find the Zoom.pkg installer if the installer doesn't automatically open. You should find it in your downloads folder. Do a search for Zoom.pkg if you have trouble finding it.
- Double-click Zoom.pkg installer.
- Continue clicking through the installer to the Installation Type screen. Click the Change Install Location button.
- Select Install for me only and click Continue. Note: this is the most important step. You will not be able to update the software yourself if you choose any option other than Install for me only.
- The installer text should read: "Click install to perform a standard installation of this software in your home folder. Only the current user of this computer will be able to use this software."
- Click Install. The admin password will not be required.
- Click Close when it is done installing.
Reminder: Saving all documents to the cloud instead of your computer can be a lifesaver, especially if you are having an issue with your CSUMB computer and the computer needs to be swapped out.