IT Asset records are created and maintained for desktop, laptop, Tablet PC, iPads and specialized computers. Records are not created for monitors, printers, and other non-computing devices and accessories.
You can create new records manually using the “+ Asset” option and selecting "Default Asset Form" in the IT Asset/CIs application. The following fields are mandatory any time a new asset record is created:
Name: CSUMB Asset number
Serial Number: Device Serial number
Supplier: Choose from the list
Product Model: Choose from the list
Status: Choose from the list
Location: Building and room where the computer will be store or installed
Owning Acc/Dept: Department where the computer will be installed (usually the same as the owner). Not required if it's in TSS inventory.
Owner: Name of the person that asset is assigned to. Not required if it's in TSS inventory.
Service Tag: CSUMB Asset number
Acquisition Date: When was the asset received at CSUMB. If specific date is unknown, estimate based on model type.
To update an asset, open the asset and select the "Edit" option.
To add a note/comment on an asset, select the "Comment" option. Comments show up in the asset "Feed".
To update the users and department for an asset, select the "Users" tab of the asset and add/remove users (departments are also managed under users)