CalState S4


Where to get help using the MySLP application for Service Learning


CalState S4 (a web application used by many CSU campuses and originally developed by CSUMB) is the site students use to review, register and track hours for placement opportunities in the community. The site is also used by faculty and staff to manage placement paperwork, review placement hours and run reports for both site-specific and placement data.

  1. The application is maintained by the Chancellor's Office. 

  2. Department Support Staff enter classes in CMS (OASIS) and include the attributes for Service Learning (CSLI) and Internships (NTRN).

  3. A data interface pulls data from OASIS, creates five (5) .csv files (term, courses, users, enrollment and faculty) and sends it to the S4 Gateway server.

  4. Nightly, an automated importer pulls the files from the Gateway server into S4. (Note: When new data is entered in CMS, it is not immediately updated in S4. It will be updated after the nightly import process.)



  1. Access the CSUMB site ( on the CalState S4 Website  

  2. Check the appropriate Department webpage:

    1. Service Learning (MySLP)

    2. Academic Internships

    3. CHHS Field Practice Program
    4. College of Education Teacher Preparation

    5. Social Work (opening Fall, 2019)

  3. Still having trouble? 

    1. Contact the appropriate Academic Department.


Academic Department Support Staff:

  • Refer to the Chancellor's Office for Online Help:

  • If your course(s) is not showing up in S4 (or has the wrong program), verify your course attributes following the guidelines below:

    • Service Learning Attributes – CSLI = Y | NTRN = N

    • CHHS Attributes – CSLI = N | NTRN = Y (CHHS program will be determined by the NTRN attribute AND the course subject)

    • Internships – CSLI = N | NTRN = Y

  • If student data seems to be missing from S4

    • First, determine when the student enrolled. If it has been less than 48 hours, then it's possible the system just hasn't picked up the student's enrollment yet (sometimes the automated data feeds are a day behind depending on when the student enrolled and when the exports were created).

    • Next, you can try updating the data manually.

    • Finally, you can review your SIS data files within S4 and search for the student (by name, SIS ID, or OtterID) in the Users file. If you find the student there, then you can check the Enrollment file (using SIS ID) to see if there is an enrollment record for the student. If the student isn't found in both, then there is a data issue and it's time to submit a ticket through CalState S4.

  • Need help entering Service Learning Classes in OASIS? Contact the Scheduling Office for any questions relating to entering Class Section detail necessary for SL courses (


Technical Issues:

  1. Tickets and issues submitted to the CalState S4 site will be evaluated by S4 staff. 

  2. If S4 staff cannot resolve the issue, staff will guide the client through the proper channels to remedy the problem at CSUMB, working with the Service Learning department.

  3. Technical issues (e.g., data not in the feed from OASIS to S4) will be reported to IT Data Services. 

  4. Network issues (e.g., Single Sign-On) will be reported directly to the appropriate IT Network Group.