IT Project Communication Planning


Overview of campus communication regarding Information Technology (IT) Projects


Campus communication regarding IT Projects will vary depending on the project, size and audience. In general, campus communication is the responsibility of the Project Sponsor (and their designee). 

Three Stakeholder Categories:

  1. Project Team - requires regular, weekly  updates on status, issues and offer opportunities for questions and feedback.
  2. Key Stakeholder Group - require regular monthly updates on status, issues and offer opportunities for questions and feedback.
  3. Community - require regular, high level updates that address impacts specific to students, faculty and or staff. 

Communication Tools:

  1. Website - project description, timeline, contacts and SLA
  2. TeamDynamix Project - Project Plan, Issues, Feed
  3. Shared Team Drive - Meeting notes, specifications
  4. Project Status Meetings - Updates, discussion, recommendations and approvals
  5. Report Out (e.g. Cabinet, SAIT....) - Updates, discussion, recommendations and approvals
  6. Email - project description, timeline, contacts and SLA
  7. Dashboard Messaging - noticing, links to website

Designing the Appropriate Communication Plan

The communication plan should be discussed and agreed upon during the Project Scoping Meeting. The following key decisions should be made:

  1. Who are the Stakeholder Groups?
  2. What are the messaging requirements for each Stakeholder group (what do they need to know)?
  3. What are the communications tools to use for each Stakeholder Group?
  4. Who is responsible for creating content, approving content and delivering content for each Stakeholder Group?

Guidelines for different Stakeholder Groups:

Projects that impact Students:

  • Website updates as appropriate (Admissions, Registrar)
  • iLearn Home Page - notifications with links to details on web page
  • Dashboard Messages - notifications with links to details on web page

Projects that impact Faculty:

  • Academic Senate - requirements gathering, input, recommendations and announcements
  • Canvas Navigation Bar - notifications with links to details on web page
  • CAT Muse - notifications with links to details on web page
  • Dashboard Messages - notifications with links to details on web page

Projects that impact Staff:

  • Website updates as appropriate (Human Resources, Procurement....)
  • Dashboard Messages - notifications with links to details on web page
  • Email MPP's with requires to share
  • Business Operations Forum sessions (in person)
  • Technology Open Labs

Roles & Responsibilities:

Project Sponsor (or designee) - know audience and impact of project on audience. Create content for review by project team according to timeline (It's coming, It's almost here, It's here).

Web Services - Create webpage and give access for editing. Help with images or overall look and feel. 

Marketing and Communications Department - provide access to images, colors, fonts and logos.

Project Management Office (PMO) - ensure website and content is updated according to approved project Communication Plan and timeline.


Use the attached Communication Plan Template to document the project communication plan if directed by the PMO during project scoping. 


