Operating System Support Levels

These are the operating system support levels for CSUMB owned/managed computers. If you're using a personal computer, we recommend you use an operating system with a status of "Active" to ensure it's compatible with CSUMB's software and services.

Operating System Status Definitions
Status Definition
Testing (Not Supported) This is a major new release and we are still testing it's compatibility with key hardware configurations and software packages used by our campus. This software is not yet supported by IT but we are working towards moving this to the active status as soon as we have it stable in our campus computing environment. 
Active (Supported) This is an operating system that is stable and compatible with our existing hardware configurations and software packages. This is the OS preferred on the majority of computers on campus, including the computer labs. Computers will have this operating system on it when returned to the customer after being re-provisioned. 
Deprecated (Supported) This operating system is still functional but is nearing the end of it's life cycle and will soon no longer be supported. Computers coming in for re-provisioning with this OS will be returned to customers with the operating system in active status unless there is an operational need to continue using this operating system.
End Of Life (Not Supported) This operating system has reached it's end of life stage, meaning it is no longer supported by IT or the manufacturer and security updates are no longer provided/available. Computers with this operating system are out of compliance and will need to be updated or replaced and cannot be used on the CSUMB wired or wireless network.


Current Operating Systems On Campus: 

Mac Operating Systems

Version Status
14.x Sonoma Active (Supported)
13.x Ventura Active (Supported)
12.x Monterey Active (Supported)
11.x Big Sur Deprecated (Supported)
10.15 Catalina Deprecated (Supported)
10.14 Mojave or older End of Life (Not Supported)

Windows Operating Systems

Version Status
Windows 11 Active (Supported)
Windows 10 Active (Supported)
Windows 8 End of Life (Not Supported)
Windows 7 End of Life (cannot be used after December 31, 2021)

Note: CSUMB-issued computers running Windows 7 cannot be used after 12/31/2021. If you have one of these please submit a Software Update service ticket.

Linux, Unix and Chrome OS

No support of any kind is available for any flavors/versions of Linux or Unix or Chrome OS (used on Chromebooks).


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Article ID: 123855
Thu 1/7/21 8:16 AM
Mon 5/6/24 4:01 PM