Computers: New Faculty


This article describes the when and how faculty are assigned new computers.



New full time tenure track faculty (new positions and replacements for existing positions) receive a new computer one week before their first day on campus unless other arrangements are made.

Part-time non-tenure track faculty are not usually assigned a computer other than shared devices in their department. The department consults (Hardware Problem/Troubleshooting ticket) with IT to evaluate lecturer computer needs annually as part of the Computer Replacement Program.


  1. Human Resources (HR) provides a list of all new tenure track faculty hires (TT Faculty List) to IT in late Spring.
  2. The TT Faculty List is shared with Information Technology (IT). Technology Support Services (TSS) & IT Procurement use this list as the master list for providing new computers to TT Faculty.
  3. Department coordinators for Computer Replacement submit a Computer Request Form as soon as they can to arrange for new computer for any approved new tenure track faculty.
  4. The Master TT Faculty List is updated with corresponding ticket#
  5. TSS clarifies, if necessary, requirements, additional funding for upgrades (if needed from the department or start-up funds), and any other needs prior to ordering or assigning hardware.
  6. If a new TT Faculty is not on the list, and IT receives a "New Computer Request" Ticket, HR will be consulted for confirmation and proceed accordingly.
  7. In the case of "replacement" TT Faculty, the department should submit a ticket (Move/Pickup Hardware) to have the old computer picked up.  
  8. If IT has not received a "New Computer Request" Ticket from a department by around the first of July, IT will try to reach out to ensure that a ticket is submitted and IT has the hardware ready when the faculty arrive.
  9. Hardware for new faculty will be installed no later than the week before new faculty arrive on campus unless other arrangements have been made.

Computers Provided:

IT supplies either a desktop or laptop (PC or Mac) based on our standard baseline computer at no cost to the department.

If the new/replacement TT faculty wants a machine that is different than the standard baseline or accessories like a docking station and monitors, the department or start up funds will need to be used to pay for the difference. In this case, the Department ASC submits an IT Procurement Request outlining the desired additional hardware. IT will order the hardware and charge the Department for the difference.

The Department ASC should use the IT ticketing system (and the ticket created to request the new computer) to resolve the problem or clarify the issue. In the event the issue can't be cleared up with the staff assigned to the ticket they should either request that the ticket be escalated to the Director of TSS or contact the IT Help Desk (x4357) and ask them to escalate it.

Summary of TSS Steps:

  1. Obtain Master List and store on the Computer Replacement Team Drive
  2. Track tickets to ensure requests are in process for installation by start date
  3. Arrange for special purchases as requested through IT Procurement requests
  4. Assign Assets to Tickets.
  5. Schedule and deploy hardware one week before start date.
  6. Pick up old asset.

Summary of Department Steps:

  1. Submit hiring paperwork to HR
  2. Submit New Computer Request Form
  3. Submit Computer Move/Pickup Ticket (if appropriate)
  4. Communicate with TSS for any changes