These instructions are for the installation of Remote Desktop for MacOS, needed to access the computer lab machines remotely (Step 4 of the Remote Lab Access instructions).
Remote Desktop for MacOS
Before attempting to connect to a windows lab computer, you will need to install "Microsoft Remote Desktop" from the App Store located here:

Once the Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 application is installed click "Connect" on available labs computer (see step 2). A window will open and you will be prompted to download the connection file. Select "Download". The remote desktop connection file will appear in your computer's downloads folder. Double-click this file. The remote desktop connection file will appear in your computer's downloads folder. Double-click this file.

Your computer will attempt to connect to the lab computer using Microsoft Remote Desktop 10. A window will open where you will be prompted to enter a username and password.

You may be prompted to verify security settings. Select "Continue" if this window appears.

Your connection to the lab computer will be established. It may take several seconds for the window to open.
Once this is complete you should return to Remote Lab Access Instructions Step 5
Reminder: Saving all documents to the cloud instead of your computer can be a lifesaver, especially if you are having an issue with your CSUMB computer and the computer needs to be swapped out.