Your dashboard apps are managed in Okta and what you see is determined by your role (Student, Staff & Faculty). Use the Okta Dashboard and drag to reorder your apps. Whatever order you set there is reflected on the dashboard. It's not possible to add or remove apps from your Dashboard.
Edit Order
Edit order allows you to reorder the apps that appear on your dashboard. To Edit apps, expand the apps menu by clicking on the down arrow to the right of your apps. Clicking on Edit apps will direct you to the Okta Dashboard, which is where you can drag and drop app icons around to reorder them. After reordering your apps, close the Okta Dashboard window in your browser and refresh your dashboard to see whatever order you set be reflected on your dashboard. There is no save or submit button on the Okta Dashboard.

More Apps
More apps is a list of popular apps. If you use an app frequently from More Apps, you can use your browser’s bookmarks to bookmark the app. More apps can be found by expanding the apps menu. To expand the apps menu, select the down arrow on the right of blue apps bar.
Default view

Expanded view