The library has a limited amount of Dell laptops available for checkout by students.
How to check out a Dell Library Loaner
- Go to the CSUMB Library website. You want to use the OneSearch search box in the middle of the screen.
- Type in IT Laptop and click Search.Choose the Information Technology Laptop Computer listing, it should be at the top or near it.
- When the next screen comes up, then you choose Request. (There is the word "REQUEST" and right next to it in smaller font is the live link of the same name). Click that and then just follow the instructions.
- Remember to take your current CSUMB Laptop to the desk for pick up
How to set up the Dell library loaner laptop
The computer you will be checked out comes in the original Dell box (please do not discard the box- you will need to turn it in with the box when you are done).
In the box you should find one Dell Latitude laptop and the two pieces of the charging cable.

Combine the pieces of the power cable and plug it in to a power source. Press the power button on the computer.
Note: If you power on the laptop and it's asking for a password, the previous patron did not reset the computer- follow these directions for resetting the Dell Library Loaner computer without a password.
Step 1: Select a language: Choose English
Step 2: Cortana: Hit the microphone to disable voice commands or you will be prompted to speak in your entries.
Step 3: Region: Select United States
Step 4: Keyboard Layout: US
- You can also set up a second layout here.
Step 5: Let's connect you to a network: Here you will choose your WiFi internet and will be asked for your credentials. If you are at CSUMB when you go through the set-up you would select CSUMB from the list of WiFi networks and use your CSUMB OtterID and password. If you are setting your computer up at a location off-campus you will need the username and password for that specific WiFi network.
Step 6: Windows 10 License Agreement: Read through and accept the agreement.
Step 7: Windows account: This is a Microsoft account. If you do not have one that you have used previously, you will need to create one by clicking on Create an Account at the bottom of the screen. If you have one, user your username and password to log into it here. If you are creating a new Microsoft account it will ask you for an email address, to create a password and to create a PIN. Keep this information handy because you will need it to log onto you computer. (Please note the help desk does not have access to your personal Microsoft account).
Note: You can not use your CSUMB email account to set up your Microsoft account. You must use a personal account such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc. They will give you the option of also creating an account to use with your account.
Step 8: Privacy Settings: You should read through each of the settings and decide if it's something you want to use. The ones listed are:
- Online speech recognition
- Find my device
- Send inking/typing data
- Advertising ID
- Location
- Diagnostic data
- Taylored experience
Step 9: Active History: Enabling active history on your account allows you to log into another windows device and pick right up where you were on the laptop. It will ask you if you want to turn this on.
Step 10: Use your android phone. You can chose to set up the computer with your android phone should you have one.
Step 11: Cortana: This will allow you to enable/disable the ability to use Cortana.
Step 12: Support and protection: This will ask you your first name, last name to select the region (US) again and for your email address again. It will also allow you the option to deselect being added to Microsoft's mailing list.
At this point you are done with the initial set-up of the computer. A message will come up stating that the computer is setting up Windows and might take several minutes.
IMPORTANT: Update Windows: Once the computer is set up it's important to update your windows software to keep it patched with the latest security updates. To do this type Software into the search bar on the left side of the task bar and select Check for updates then follow the prompts. You may be asked to restart the computer more than once during this step. After each restart go back to Check for updates to finish running the updates. This step can take a long time the first time you run them but is an important step to maintaining the health and security of the computer.
TIP: By regularly running Windows updates, you will cut down on the amount of time the updates take. The more updates it has to do the longer it takes.
Please note: The loaner computer does not come pre-installed with any University software. You can visit the Free and discount software page to download titles available to students. We highly suggest Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Sophos (virus protection software). You can also download the Google Chrome web browser as it is our preferred browser on campus.
Before returning the loaner computer to the library be sure you reset it to factory default, which will remove your personal data from the machine before it is checked out to the next customer.