Vendor and Specialized VPN Profile Connections


Special Virtual Private Network (VPN) access for vendors or other entities may be requested by a sponsoring party.


NOTE: If you are having trouble with GlobalProtect VPN, please fill out this form: VPN Problems & Troubleshooting

VPN Access for Vendors or Other Entities

Special Virtual Private Network (VPN) access for vendors or other entities may be requested by a sponsoring party.

Persons of Interest and New VPN Accounts must complete the CSUMB Human Resources Person of Interest (POI) form and process before requesting VPN profile connections. Once that process is completed and an OtterID has been issued, request access by completing the VPN Access & Troubleshooting ticket form.

Note: IT@CSUMB has no control over the Human Resources (HR) process for Persons of Interest. The Sponsor of the requested VPN must complete the HR POI process and be issued an OtterID before contacting IT.

Specialized VPN Profiles

CSUMB staff or faculty that need to access restricted or specialized network services can request a new VPN profile. 

To request POI access, submit a Campus Affiliates (POI) Access ticket.