Campus Affiliates (POI) Access

This form is to request access to services not given to campus affiliates by default (see chart at bottom of page).

A Campus Affiliate (also known as a Person of Interest (POI) in CMS) is any person not paid as an employee by the University, such as volunteers, consultants, or vendors, who needs access to a University system as part of their relationship with the University

Process and Timing for Obtaining a Campus Affiliate (POI) Account

  1. The Department, or Sponsor, submits completed Person of Interest (POI) form (with signatures of Person of Interest, as well as appropriate Administrator) to Human Resources (HR) - email address:
  2. HR verifies and approves the appointment and creates a Campus Affiliate (POI) record (POI 9 digit ID).
  3. Username (e.g., otte1234 - previously known as OtterID) is created as part of an overnight process (Day 1).
  4. Okta creates a single sign on account, and sends an activation email to the user to claim their account on the hiring effective date.
  5. For the POI types noted as "Email-N" in the chart below, the Department must submit an IT Ticket to request an email account.
  6. Campus Affiliate (POI) accounts are deactivated on the date of separation. 

Note: The Department or Sponsor of any type of affiliate account that needs access to a service they don't automatically receive, must submit an IT Ticket. This includes services such as email, file sharing, VPN and more.

Campus Affiliate (POI) Types & Default Services

Category Email Card Access Desktop OASIS CMS HR File Storage Adobe
Future Hire Y N Y Y Y N N
Visiting Scholar Y Y Y Y Y N N
Emeritus Faculty Y Y Y Y Y M ONLY Y
Temporary Agency Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Campus Solution Person N N N N N N N
Contractor N N N Y N N N
Auxiliary Foundation Y N N Y Y N N
Volunteer N N N N N N N
Campus Guest N N N N N N N
Adjunct Faculty N N N N N N N
Housing N N N Y N N N
Emeritus Staff Y N N Y Y N Y
Submit IT Ticket

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