Password Security Tips

A strong password is your first line of defense against intruders and imposters. Theses tips were taken from

Never give out your password

Never share your password with friends. A friend can – maybe even accidentally – pass your password along to others or even become an ex-friend and abuse it.

Don’t use the same password for everything

It’s possible that someone working at a site where you use that password could pass it on or use it to break into your accounts at other sites. Keep all passwords unique.

Make the password at least 12 characters long

The longer the better. Longer passwords are harder for thieves to crack.

Newest advice: Use a passphrase

Security experts now recommend using a “passphrase” rather than simply a password. Such a phrase should be relatively long – perhaps 20 characters or so and consist of seemingly random words strung together along with numbers, symbols and upper and lower case letters. Think of something that you can remember but others couldn’t guess such as YellowChocolate#56CadillacFi$h. It's long, uses seemingly random words strung together along with numbers, symbols and upper and lower case letters. Avoid using famous quotations that might be easy to guess.

Include numbers, capital letters and symbols

Consider using a $ instead of an S or a 1 instead of an L, or including an & or % – but note that $1ngle is NOT a good password. Password thieves are onto this. But Mf$J1ravng (short for “My friend Sam Jones is really a very nice guy) is an excellent password.

Don’t post it in plain sight

It might seem obvious but studies have found that a lot of people post their password on their monitor with a sticky note. Bad idea. If you must write it down, hide the note somewhere where no one can find it.

Consider using a password manager

Programs or web services for both Windows and Mac let you create a different very strong password for each of your sites. But you only have to remember the one password to access the program or secure site that stores your passwords for you.