FAQ: Alumni email forwarding address

Current and past CSUMB alumni have the option to sign up for a free @alumni.csumb.edu forwarding address. Here are some frequently asked questions about the alumni forwarding addresses: 

  1. Is this an email account?
  2. How does email forwarding work?
  3. How do I get it?
  4. What will my forwarding address be?
  5. How do I send mail as my @alumni.csumb.edu email address?
  6. Will this forward my @csumb.edu emails?
  7. What if I don't have a personal (non-csumb.edu) email account?
  8. How do I change the email address emails are being forwarded to?
  9. Will messages I receive be stored on the school's email service?


Q: Is this an email account?

A: No, this is only an email address that is linked to an existing email account (i.e. gmail, yahoo). You will not have access to a separate inbox. All messages sent to your @alumni.csumb.edu address will be directed to your personal email account’s inbox.

Once you sign up for and validate your @alumni.csumb.edu email address, all messages sent to that email address will be re-directed to the email address of your choice.

Q: How does email forwarding work?

A: Email forwarding redirects mail sent @alumni.csumb.edu to your personal non-school email address. It is not stored in an account for you to log into, instead it's like leaving a forwarding address at the post office after you've moved. The mail arrives at your new house, you don't have to go to your old address to get your mail.

Please note that you cannot log into your alumni forwarding account to send emails. You can only have emails sent to your @alumni.csumb.edu address and then redirected to your personal email account.

Q: How do I get it?

A: You must sign up for the free @alumni.csumb.edu forwarding address and it must be sent to a personal (non-CSUMB) email address.

Q: What will my @alumni.csumb.edu forwarding email address be?

A: It will be based on your original CSUMB email address so jotter@csumb.edu will be jotter@alumni.csumb.edu

Q: How do I send messages as my @alumni.csumb.edu address?

A: All emails will be sent using your existing email account. Your email provider may allow you to set up an alternate “Reply” address in your email account to show your @alumni.csumb.edu. You may need to check with your email provider for instructions on how to do this:

Q: Will this forward my @csumb.edu emails?

A: No, but you can setup email forwarding on your CSUMB Gmail account to your personal email account (will only work until your email account is deleted).

Q: What if I don't have a personal (non-CSUMB) email account?

A: You can sign up for a free Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail account.

Q: How do I change the address emails are forwarded to?

A: Re-submit the Alumni Association Information Update form to change the personal email account your @alumni.csumb.edu emails are forwarded to.

Q: Will messages I receive be stored in the schools email service?

A: No messages are retained on the University’s email service. Messages are delivered directly to your forwarding address. As an alumni email forwarding user, your messages will be delivered to the "destination" email address you have on record and messages will not be stored on any University servers.

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