Information Technology (IT) is involved with many projects that help faculty, staff and students efficiently learn, teach, and work at CSUMB.
To Request a Project
For more information on the project request process and to request a project, visit the Submit an IT Project Request page.
IT Projects Reports
All Projects
Projects Complete
Projects In Progress (Assessing, Scheduled or Implementation in Progress)
Project Backlog (Includes Backlog and Future Planned Projects)
When viewing our projects, you may see acronyms or words that are unfamiliar to you. For that reason, we've compiled the following glossary of terms and definitions:
Roadmap Status
Assessing: Review and clarification of project requirements in progress.
Backlog: Project must be done, but not yet scheduled.
Complete: Project is done.
Future Plan: Mandatory projects to be started in 6 months or later (may or may not be scheduled).
In Progress: Project work is in progress.
Scheduled: Project schedule is confirmed.
AWS: Amazon Web Services
Boomi: Data integration System
CBORD: Meal Plan Tracker System
CITI: Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
CMS: Common Management System
ER: Employee Resources (current system)
CHRS: Consolidated Human Resource Systems (future CSU-wide system)
OASIS: Otter Academic Student Information Systems
MC: Marketing Cloud (Salesforce)
OAS: Oracle Analytics Server
ODI: Oracle Data Integrator (Data Integration System)
IAR: Institutional Assessment and Research
IT: Information Technology
CO: Chancellor’s Office
Technology Features
API: Application Programming Interface
AWE: Automate Workflow Engine
IAM: Identity and Access Management
POS: Point of Sale
Other Terms