IT Project Request

Information Technology projects are temporary, organized efforts to deliver a new product or service with a clearly defined start and end date. Any work that requires substantial IT resources to complete a project, must work with the IT Project Management Office (PMO).

Project Request Requirements

Submissions must be submitted by VPs, Deans, or AVPs (or their Admin designees) in order for the requests to be considered.

Submitters will be asked to provide the following:
    •    Sponsor - AVP or VP required
    •    Problem description & brief justification
    •    Proposed implementation timeframe
    •    Stakeholders (e.g. students, staff, faculty)
    •    Software or hardware needed to implement project
    •    Budget availability (note if your project has real or potential funding)
    •    Alignment with the President's Seven Opportunities and Priorities

To initiate a new project request fill out and submit an  IT Project Intake Form .


IT has no guaranteed annual budget for projects. If funds are not available, the prioritization of the request will determine if it is appropriate for us to request funds from campus leadership.

After Submission

If your project is approved/funded, our IT Project Management Office (PMO) will work with project proposers to develop a full project scope and implementation plan.


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Descriptions of the roles involved in a IT project team.