Advanced Access to Materials Accommodation

What is this accommodation?

This supports learning needs by having course content available before the class session begins by allowing them to prepare beforehand to better engage in live content. This accommodation can also supplement other accommodations.

Why is it important? 

CSUMB must provide appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in our educational courses. (In accordance with Subpart E of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973).

How can I support my students? 

Share with Google Drive

There are many ways to share materials with individual students; however, it may be simplest to create a Google Drive folder with the content and share it directly with the student. 

Turn PowerPoints into outlines

The outline view in PowerPoint displays your presentation as an outline with the titles and main text from each slide. 

Create an outline with Google Slides by exporting to PowerPoint

Where do I go for help?

For technical support on how to do this, visit our CAT staff to discuss these options via Zoom drop-in sessions Monday through Friday 9:00 to 11:00 am and 1:00 to 3:00 pm. You can also email with questions or would like to schedule an appointment at a different time. 

Contact Student Disability and Accessibility Center with questions about this accommodation.

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