How To Register Devices Without Browsers on Residence Hall Wall Ports

Learn how to register your devices that do not have a web browser on our CSUMB wired network.

Access to Residential Hall Wired Ports

Registration process

1. Get your device MAC address. Refer to your device support website or document where to locate this information. A MAC address is a 12-digit alphanumeric code (11-22-33-AA-BB-CC).

2. From any laptop, desktop or mobile devices, visit the CSUMB Device Registration site.

3. Login with your CSUMB OtterID and password.

Screenshot of a dialog box states Please log in with your OtterID and password.

4. Register your device using the MAC address.

Screenshot of a webform asking you to create or manage your devices.

5. Connect your device, using either the RJ45 port on the wall (Fig. 1 Wall Port, below) or the Aruba wifi access point (Fig 2 Aruba access point, below). If your device is already connected, unplug the cable, then plug it back in.

RJ45 wall jack Top view of the Aruba access point.           Port view of Aruba access point with a box around the center two points that says "plug here."
Fig 1. RJ45 wall port      Fig 2. HP/Aruba access point.

Additional Help

If you need help with registering your device on the CSUMB wired network please call the Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357 or place an Internet Problem ticket.   

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