Article Sections (click section title below to go directly to the named section)
I. Submit a Tip or Trick
II. Include Primary Keys in Project Report
1. What is OAS (Oracle Analytic Server)?
OAS is a CSUMB, on-premises, self-service, analytics platform available for use by the university staff. The CSUMB OAS application provides university business operation groups the ability to correlate data across diverse DBs such as Salesforce and PeopleSoft (OASIS), as well as ad-hoc data tables such as Excel spreadsheets, for business analysis, reporting, and planning purposes. In addition to providing data reports, OAS offers a range of capabilities including AI analytics, data enrichment, machine learning, and data visualizations. It can support complex workloads and provide timely insights to staff analysts and managers. In August 2021, OAS replaced the previous Hyperion product for business operations reporting.
2. OAS Access Permission
To request access to OAS or for help resolving access issues with OAS, follow the instructions below:
New Employee Data Access Request (DAR): New employees receive standard OAS access based on their position. This is an OnBase form that is submitted through the Employee Resources webpage under the "All Other CSUMB Staff" heading.
Alternate Data Access: Use this form for requesting alternate OAS access. You will need to obtain data owner approval. The form is located in the Employee Resources webpage under the "Alternate Access" heading. Alternate Data Access request forms can be emailed to or attached to a ticket under the Business Analyst Support Services category.
3. Global VPN connection Required for Remote Login
Before accessing the OAS application from a remote location (i.e. a location outside the campus firewall), your system must be connected to the CSUMB VPN (Virtual Private Network). CSUMB workstations and laptops usually have Global Connect, the VPN manager installed. The VPN icon is normally located in the Windows Taskbar – Hidden Notification Area. (the arrowhead symbol near the task bar clock display).
Addition Information on the CSUMB VPN can be found on the university's web site page: New VPN service available and in the following KB articles:

4. OAS Login
The OAS application can be accessed from the CSUMB Web More Apps dashboard
(NOTE: To log in from a remote location, a location outside the campus firewall, you must first be connected to the CSUMB VPN.– see section 4).

5. Report Requests - New, Modify Existing, Other Report Issues
Requests for a new report, report modification or usage issues involving OAS business data reports should use the Report Development/Modification service and submit an On-Line Data Request ticket.
6. How to Report System Problems
To report other OAS system issues (except Access Permissions - see section 2) use the Business Applications -> System Problem ticket service.
7. Training and Usage Documentation
Currently available OAS training and documentation, detailing the application’s administration, use and capabilities are described below:
- CSUMB OAS user specific training session:
21.08.10 OAS CSUMB Business Data Reports - User training
- Additional OAS training by Oracle to CSUMB SMEs detailing the application’s administration, use and capabilities:
CSUMB Training Session Recordings
- Additional OAS tutorials, videos and more from Oracle:
- Submit a Tip or Trick:
To submit a suggestion for inclusion as an OAS user tip or trick (good-to-know info you believe would benefit other users of OAS), please enter the topic details in the feedback section at the end of the article.

Click either Yes or No and enter the details in the Comments box. Click Submit once complete.

- Include Primary Keys in Project Report:
When creating a project report table or visualization, make sure all primary key fields fields (columns) from the source data sets are included in the layout.
Many of the Primary Key designations can be found with the project General > Help Resources > CMS Record Keys for PeopleSoft datasets, prefixed "PS", or by looking at the dataset description (Inspect option) for datasets prefixed with "SQL", "CC", or a department name.