New Employee IT Requests


New employee checklist for IT needs (e.g. telephone, delegated email accounts, etc.). Use the Hardware > Pickup/Moves Form for employee moves.


Typical IT needs for a New Employee :

  1. Claim a CSUMB Email Account: On their first official day of hire, new employees will get an email sent to the non-CSUMB email account they indicated on their employment application. This email will be from and will contain their username (OtterID) and a one-time use link that will allow them to finish creating their account by creating a password and forgot password question. If employee needs help or needs a new link sent, please call the Help Desk at 831-582-4357.

  2. Office Telephone: If your new employee is replacing someone who left, submit an IT Ticket to have their voicemail box/code reset and caller ID changed to their own name.

  3. Network Drive Access: All employees have access to the M:Drive for their own folders, as well as public folders. If your department has special share drives (UPD Drive, K:Drive, S:Drive, T:Drive, etc.) make sure to include an IT Ticket for the specific folder/drives needed for the new employee. (Requires Manager Approval)

  4. Computer (General fund stateside Staff): If your new employee is in an existing but vacated position, they are expected to use the same computer as the person who vacated the position. You can request the computer to be re-imaged by submitting an Install/Update Software ticket. If you have a newly created and funded position, the department coordinator for Computer Replacement should submit a computer request form at least 4-weeks before their first day of work.

  5. Computer (Faculty): New, full time tenure track faculty receive a new computer one week before their first day on campus unless other arrangements are made. The department coordinator for Computer Replacement should submit a computer request form at least 4-weeks before their first day of work.

  6. Computer (University Corporation or Self-Support Staff or Faculty): If your new employee is in an existing but vacated position, we recommend that they use the same computer as the person who vacated the position. You can request the computer to be re-imaged by submitting an Install/Update Software ticket. If you have a newly created and funded position, please review the University Corporation, Grant and Self-Support Computer Orders service page.

  7. Delegated Email Account: If the employee will be a member of a delegated email account (email account shared by one or more people within a work group) submit an IT Ticket to add them to the Generic/Department Delegated account. (Requires Manager Approval)


Common Needs for New Employees Provided by Other Departments

  1. Employee ID Cards: New employees pick up their OtterCards (ID Card) at the Campus Service Center (CSC - Building 47) as long as their otterid is assigned in CMS. Verify availability prior to going to the CSC. Visit Ottercards for more information.

  2. Building Access: If your new employee needs building access or keys place a Facilities Services Workorder.

  3. New Employee Training: New employees are required to take Data Security & Privacy training (and possibly other trainings depending on their role with the university) through the CSU-wide online training service: CSU Learn (Sumtotal) Once employees are ported into SumTotal (this may take a few weeks after employment) they should get an email from SumTotal informing them of their course assignments. For more information visit CSU Learn (Sumtotal)

  4. Parking: New employees are required to have a campus parking permit if they are going to park on campus. Employees can find out more about purchasing parking permits at the Parking Services Website.

Services Provided by the Hiring Department

  1. Access to Google Department Calendars
  2. Access to Google Team Drives, Folders and other shared department files
  3. Submit all required and approved paperwork to Human Resources  to ensure that the employee account is activated and employee has access to services. NOTE: If your new employee is a volunteer or consultant they may not get email access depending on the kind of volunteer/consultant they are. 



Article ID: 159555
Sat 12/16/23 8:22 PM
Thu 11/21/24 5:44 PM