The CSUMB wifi option is our secure wireless network for students, faculty, and staff. IT recommends you use this network because traffic on "CSUMB" is secure and encrypted.
Using CSUMB Wi-Fi
Registering your device
It's as easy as 1-2-3:
- Select "CSUMB" from the available networks on your laptop or mobile phone.
- Use your CSUMB OtterID and password to connect to this network when prompted for the username/password.
- Accept the security certificate by tapping on Trust if prompted.

Note: If you are in the residence halls and need to connect a wifi device like a smartTV, gaming station, or other wifi devices you must set them to the CSUMB guest wi-fi network.
Note: For assistance forgetting the CSUMB network, read our knowledge base article "How to forget CSUMB on your Wi-Fi device."
Additional Help
If you need help with your CSUMB Wi-Fi please, call the Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357 or place an Internet Problem ticket.