These instructions are for setting up your iOS 14.1 device to get your email:
1. Tap on Settings gear icon.
2. Scroll down and tap on Mail:

3. Scroll down and tap on Accounts:

4. Select Add Account:

5. Select Google from the list of providers:

6. Select Continue when warned that "Settings" Wants To Use "Google.Com" to sign in:

7. In the login box put in your full email address, for example

8. In the Okta login box put your usual otterID and password, For example otte1234:

9. Complete your multifactor authentication, for example using the additional question:

10. Click Save in the upper right corner of the next box:

You will now find your CSUMB email in your Mail ap on your iOS 14.1 device.
Reminder: Saving all documents to the cloud instead of your computer can be a lifesaver, especially if you are having an issue with your CSUMB computer and the computer needs to be swapped out.