The "Report a Problem" Service Category
Report a Problem is the first category displayed in our TeamDynamix service catalog ticketing system.

This category has a colored triangle with an exclamation point icon.
"Report a Problem" vs. "Service" Ticket
Any time we work with you, we need to determine if you are having a problem or need to request a service.
- What's a Problem? Something is broken, and I need it fixed so that I can work.
- What's a Service? I need something that I currently do not have to more effectively perform my job duties.
- Problem: My phone won't make outgoing calls.
- Service: We have a new hire in our department who needs a phone.
Inside "Report a Problem"
You can use any of the eight problems listed below. Select the problem that most closely represents the issue you are having, fill out the form, and let us take it from there.

Additional Help
If you aren't sure if you should use a problem or a service ticket, or you can't submit a ticket on your own, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357.