Manage Tickets


USER (Technician Role) : (PRD)

Manage Tickets in TDNext

Ways to Find Tickets Assigned to You

  1. Desktop > use custom desktop to find tickets by status
  2. IT Tickets > Desktop > use custom IT Desktop to find tickets by status
  3. IT Tickets > Search (top right)
    Search box and filter for tickets
  4. IT Tickets > Filter (click on filter icon in top right shown in image above)
  5. IT Tickets > Tickets > Sort any Column (A-Z) (lists ALL Tickets)

Update Tickets (Feed)

  1. Select Actions to enter a Comment.
  2. Select Edit to make changes to the original ticket.
  3. Client will receive notification of update if not marked “Private.”

Email Notifications

Share comments and updates via email with:

  1. Client
  2. Group
  3. People outside of CSUMB


  1. Make comments and updates Private by checking the box.
  2. Private notes are indicated in the Feed item.

Reassign Tickets

  1. Use this function when the ticket is assigned to a group and one person in the group has accepted responsibility for the ticket.
  2. If the ticket is assigned in error, either reassign the ticket to the correct person or send to the TSS HelpDesk (group).
    • Open Ticket (Service Request)
    • Select Actions button
    • Select Reassign Service Request
    • Type in or look up the individual or group.
    • Enter any information in the Comments.
    • Save.

My Work

  1. The desktop application that lists all tickets assigned to each technician and any group to which they belong.
  2. My Assigned Work lists all tickets assigned to the Group or an individual technician. Click +MyWork to automatically assign the ticket to yourself.
  3. My Work lists all tickets assigned specifically to the technician. Add comments and update the ticket directly from this list.
  4. My Accomplishments lists all assigned tickets that the technician has marked as Completed.

Close (Complete) Tickets

  1. Open Ticket
  2. Select Actions > Update > New Status
  3. Change Status to Completed (ticket may be re-opened within three days)
  4. Save.

Print a Ticket (if necessary)

  1. Open the ticket.
  2. Select Print. (Uncheck any unnecessary details.)
  3. Print.

Create a Ticket From IT Tickets (TDNext)

  1. Select +Service Request Form from sub-menu.
  2. Search for the Form Name.
  3. Complete and submit the ticket.
  4. Use +New to view Forms that are "pinned" for quick access.
  5. Internal Forms are noted with (Internal) in the Form Name (e.g., IT Procurement (Internal).)
  6. See Create a Ticket from within TDNext for more details.

System Problems

  1. Call IT HelpDesk (x4357) or
  2. Submit an IT Ticketing System Problems Ticket (using +New as described in above section.)


Key Features:

Ticketing Groups 

  • Services are assigned to an individual or a group. Groups decide who will take responsibility for the ticket (reassign). Tickets are no longer assigned by the Help Desk, except for Technology Support Services.

Ticket Tasks

  • Services with multiple steps performed by others may have tasks created and assigned automatically.
  • Use +New > Task to create tasks on the fly.
  • Use +New > Task Template to add an existing task template to a ticket.

Custom Forms

All services have unique fields to ensure that needed information is collected when submitted.

Knowledge Base Articles

  • Articles document processes and details relating to IT Services. Internal KB Articles are used for internal procedures.
  • Most forms open in new windows. Refresh pages to see changes.
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