Articles and a Handbook for people who have a Manager or Technician role in TeamDynamix.

Categories (1)

Managing Assets

This category includes articles describing how to manage IT Assets in TeamDynamix

Articles (13)

Pinned Article Change Form, Type & Service for an Incorrectly Submitted IT Ticket

This article describes how a Technician updates a ticket when the client submits the original ticket using the incorrect Service Typ/Form.

Pinned Article TDx Ticket Standards and Status Types

This article describes expectation of IT staff for managing tickets assigned either individually or to a group.

Pinned Article Ticket Tasks and Task Templates

Learn how ticket tasks can be used in IT Ticketing.

Pinned Article Track IT Tickets (Technician)

Learn ways to track tickets from email notifications and in TDNext.

Manage Desktops and My Work

This article describes how a Technician uses My Desktop, IT Tickets and MyWork to manage tickets assigned to Individuals and Groups.

Technician How-To Instructions Quick Sheet

Quick Sheet Instructions for TDNext Technicians

Ticket Response Templates

Notification Templates are pre-composed email messages that can be used for common responses to tickets.

When to Reassign Tickets, Use Tasks or Send Email Notifications

Technicians can Reassign a ticket to another Technician. Technicians can use the Email Notify feature to obtain additional information or request an action by a person who is not a Technician in TDx. Response to the Email Notify will be appended to the original Comment/Request by the Technician in the ticket. Additional people can be notified and attachments can be added by people who are notified as well.

Manage Tickets

This article describes how CSUMB staff assigned to the Technician role manage tickets using the TDNext:

Create a Ticket from within TDNext

This article describes how Users with technician access can create tickets from within the IT Desktop without having to go to the Service Catalog.