The CSUMB IT Ticketing System changed from Web Help Desk to TeamDynamix on March 19, 2018.
Tickets submitted in WebHelp Desk prior to 3/19/18:
- Access to WebHelp Desk (WHD) was discontinued on 3/19/18 for any new tickets.
- Technicians worked on tickets that were still active in WebHelp until they were resolved.
- Any tickets submitted to WHD on or after 3/19/18 were cancelled and clients were asked to re-submit in TeamDynamix.
First Time Access:
- Update your User Profile to include:
- Department
- Office Location
- Phone number
- Self-Register (if a new student, lecturer or employee)
- Disable Pop-up blocker:
- In Chrome: chrome://settings/content/popups
- Allow:
- Browsers Supported: Google Chrome, Firefox (for PCs) and Safari (for Macs)
Using the Service Catalog:
IT Services are grouped by Service Categories and Sub-Categories. Services are described on individual Service pages that provide self-help information, links to articles with more related information (Knowledge Base) and a link to "Submit an IT Ticket".
- Find desired Service (3 options)
- Drill down through Service Categories
- Search (top right)
- A-Z lookup
- Add Services to "My Favorites"
- Submit an IT Ticket
- Forms are customized for the type of service
- Forms are routed to the group or individual responsible for that service
Still Need Help?
- Over the Phone: Call the IT Help Desk (831) 582-4357 (HELP) - Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- In Person: Visit the Service Desk in the library. Attend a Technology Open Lab.