Canvas Integration


  • LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability and is often provided by publishers and other third-party applications and services as an added service within the Learning Management System (LMS). Most often used with textbook publishers for external lessons, materials, quizzes and resources, these external tool integrations allow access to students, and the writing of completed tasks into the LMS gradebook. 

  • Plugins are mini-applications that must be configured within the LMS to meet many of the same functions as noted above.

  • CSUMB currently uses Canvas for our LMS.

Who can use it:

  • Staff

  • Faculty

How do I get it:

  • ALL requests REQUIRE a ticket submission.

  • Requests MUST be made a minimum of 45 days in advance of the desired production date.

  • Requests will be reviewed for accessibility, security, and interoperability in accordance with CSUMB and CSU guidelines.

  • Questions? Please contact the Center for Academic Technologies at or call 831-582-4648.