Connecting to and Using CSUMBinfo M:Drive

Table of Contents

What is CSUMBInfo M:Drive

CSUMBINFO is the campus' legacy internal department file storage system, and contains folders for each department. Each Department Folder contains a Public, and Private sub folder. 

  • By default, all Staff and Faculty have access to the 'M' Drive and connect to it automatically when logging in to one of our PC's on Campus.
  • Documents placed in the 'Department\Public' folder are available to anyone with access to CSUMBINFO. 
  • Documents placed in the 'Department\Private' folder are only accessible to members of that department who have been granted access via an IT Ticket Request.
  • Each individual user is limited to 2GB of space on CSUMBINFO.

Connecting to CSUMBInfo M:Drive on Windows

Note: If you are manually connecting to the CSUMBINFO (M:Drive) you must be either connected to the CSUMB network on campus or through the CSUMB VPN Service.

Step one: Launch File Explorer.

Step two: Right click This PC.

This pc

Step three: Choose Map Network Drive from the menu.

Step four: In the pull-down menu Drive: select M:. In the field Folder: type: \\\csumbinfo$

Map network drive window

NOTE: Only click on connect using different credentials if you are doing these instructions on a non-CSUMB issued (personal computer) computer.  This is not necessary if using a csumb-issued computer. Be sure to complete it with username: csumb\otte1234 (where otte1234 is your otterid) and then your normal csumb password as shown:

Enter network credentials window

Connecting to CSUMBInfo M:Drive on MacOS

Note: If you are manually connecting to the CSUMBINFO (M:Drive) you must be either connected to the CSUMB network on campus or through the CSUMB VPN Service.

Step one: In Finder, click on the Go menu and click Connect To Server...

Step two: In Connect To Server window type: smb://$

Screenshot of Connect to Server window with address: smb://$

Step three: Click Connect button.

Screenshot of window: You are attempting to connect to the server "" Click Connect to Continue.

Step four: In the Name and Password box select Connect As: Registered User radio button. In the Name: field enter your otterid. In Password: field enter your otterid password.

Screenshot of login box.

Step five: Click the Connect button.

Additional Help

Call the Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357 or submit a File Storage service ticket.

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Article ID: 103268
Thu 3/26/20 3:22 PM
Tue 5/28/24 8:43 AM

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Use this form to request a new Google Share Drive or J:Drive, access to an existing "M: Drive (CSUMBINFO). Also use this form if you are having issues with file sharing or want to start a conversation with us regarding other options for file storage.