File storage is where otters save their work. This is important because IT does not back up any data saved to your computer.
In this article you will find:
What file storage options are available at CSUMB
Currently we have four file storage options available.
Two are in the cloud provided by a vendor:
- Google Workspace My Drive: Used to store individual data files and work; access to data managed by the individual. Check your Google Workspace account storage (includes both mail and drive storage).
- Google Workspace Share Drive: Used to store institutional data (e.g. departments, committees); access to data managed by the department.
The other two are local on-campus solutions run by IT:
- M: Drive (aka CSUMBinfo): Legacy system used to store department data; access to data managed by IT.
- J: Drive (aka MyDocs): Used to store individual employee data; access to data managed by IT.
Who can access which file storage options
Table: Cumulative file storage options for CSUMB otters by role.
File Storage Option: |
Student |
Staff |
Faculty |
Google Workspace My Drive |
25 GBs (email storage included) |
75 GB (email storage included) |
75 GB (email storage included) |
Google Workspace Share Drives |
N/A |
25 GB (request drive) |
25 GB (request drive) |
M: Drive (CSUMBinfo) |
N/A |
2 GB (per individual) |
N/A |
J: Drive (MyDocs) |
N/A |
20 GB |
20 GB
Other file storage options
Your hard drive on your assigned computer is not an acceptable place to store CSUMB institutional data, since we do not back up your hard drive. We also do not want university data on portable thumb drives.
Personal cloud storage services like Microsoft OneDrive and DropBox are also not acceptable places to store CSUMB institutional data because we do not have a license agreement with these services, but you can store your personal, non-CSUMB related data there if you have an account.
What kind of data is allowed in file storage
Data Type:
Sensitive Data: Level 1 (confidential) and Level 2 (internal) data
University/Institutional Data: Any data created and used for university purposes, excluding level 1 and level 2 data.
Personal Data: Non-CSUMB owned data including employee's personal tax records, pay stubs, photos, etc.
Legend for Table: File storage options for CSUMB otters by type of data
Data type allowed to be stored in file storage type |
Data type not allowed to be stored in file storage type. No exceptions. |
Data type not recommended to be stored in file storage type. |
Table: File storage options for CSUMB otters by type of data.
Storage type |
Sensitive Data |
University/Institutional Data |
Personal Data |
CSUMB Google My Drive |
CSUMB Google Share Drive |
CSUMBInfo (M:Drive) |
MyDocs (J:Drive) |
University-owned Devices |
Personal Devices (non-CSUMB laptops, tablets, etc) |
Portable Storage (thumb drives) |
System of Record (CMS, CFS, OASIS, etc) |
N/A |
N/A |
Level 1 (confidential) and Level 2 (internal) data should not be stored outside of its system of record. If you have to store such data outside its native application please contact the information security office to discuss your options before exporting any data. If you need to store Level 1 or Level 2 data outside its native application please email the Information Security Officer for more information on options available to you.
In addition, you should adhere to any relevant retention policies established by the Cal State Chancellor's Office.
Additional help
Please submit a file sharing ticket for additional help with file storage options.