If your Mac is stuck in stuck on s Connecting... screen or if the GlobalProtect application will not launch after installing first try adjusting your security settings. If that doesn't work uninstall the program.
Adjusting Your Security Settings
- Go to Apple > System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General. If you see an alert about software from Palo Alto Networks being blocked, click Allow, then close your preferences window. After allowing the app you will need to restart your computer.

Note: If the machine asks you for Administrative privileges and this is a university-owned computer and you do not have a local administrative access username/password please place a service ticket: VPN Access & Troubleshooting Ticket
Uninstalling GlobalProtect VPN for MacOS
If this procedure does not solve the problem please follow the instructions to Uninstall the GlobalProtect VPN software on the PaloAltoNetworks webpage.
After you have uninstalled GlobalProtect VPN please reinstall using the installer and instructions located on our GlobalProtect VPN for MacOS instructions.
Reminder: Saving all documents to the cloud instead of your computer can be a lifesaver, especially if you are having an issue with your CSUMB computer and the computer needs to be swapped out.