Change Form, Type & Service for an Incorrectly Submitted IT Ticket


  • Clients sometimes submit a ticket using the incorrect IT Ticket Form.

  • Use of the correct Service, Form and Type is important for reporting purposes and to ensure that the correct data is collected.

  • Technicians are encouraged to change the Service, Form and Type to the correct ones and complete any required information.

  • Technicians may also ask the Client to withdraw the incorrect ticket and re-submit a new, correct ticket.


  1. Open the ticket.

  2. Click the green Edit button at the top.

  3. In the Form field, use the down arrow to select the appropriate Form from the dropdown list.

  4. In the Service field, click on the magnifying glass icon to select the correct Service name from the dropdown list.

  5. The Type field will automatically change when the correct Service is selected.

  6. The above steps will change the Form to the correct one, and the form fields in the ticket will be updated:

    • Fields that match in both Forms will remain filled out with the content from the original ticket.

    • Fields that are unique in the New Form will be blank.

  7. Update information in any new, required fields (e.g., from your conversation with the customer).

  8. Scroll to the Responsibility field and select the appropriate group for the newly-selected Service. (If in doubt about who should be assigned the ticket, change the Responsible field name to TSS-HelpDesk and they will reassign the ticket.)

  9. Click the Save button at the top.


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