Delegated Email Accounts & Aliases


IT provides delegated email accounts (previously known as generic accounts) that can be accessed by up to 25 people through email delegation. These accounts might be set up to provide an email address for a particular department, university or student organization, or functional work group.

Additionally email aliases may be requested on this form. Aliases are mailbox pointers that point to an existing email address. For instance is an email alias for the account.

NOTE: Requests for email name and address changes for individual email accounts are now located in a separate service: Email Address Name Change

Before Submitting This Ticket

Please note:

  • No other Google Workspace services (e.g., Google Drive, YouTube, Blogger) are available through email delegation.
  • Email aliases must be approved.
    •  Aliases not available to students, staff, or faculty, with the exception of KAZU staff for alias of
  • The Technology Help Desk will acquire manager approval when needed. 
  • Student clubs accounts must be requested through the appropriate Student Activities Coordinator:
    • General Club email accounts are created and account access is granted based on approval from Student Activities Coordinator
    • Greek Club email accounts are created and account access is granted based on approval from Student Activities Greek Coordinator 
    • Sports Club email accounts are created and account access is granted based on approval from Senior Coordinator of Recreation 

Reasons to Submit This Ticket

Submit this ticket to request:

  • A new delegated email account 
  • Changes to existing delegated email account
  • Deletion of a delegated email account.
  • An email alias for a delegated account or KAZU account.

Additional Information

For questions please contact the Technology Help Desk at 831-582-HELP (4357).

Submit IT Ticket

Related Articles (1)

Learn about generic and delegated email accounts


Service ID: 23991
Wed 11/1/17 9:46 AM
Tue 5/28/24 2:35 PM