Fall 2024 Delegated email account audit: IT will begin our delegated email account audit on November 25, 2024. Watch for an email entitled “Action Needed: Delegated Email Account Audit” from technology_help_desk@csumb.edu and fill out the linked Google Form. For more information see the Delegated Email Account Audit section below.
Delegated email accounts (Shared mailboxes)
Delegated email accounts are shared mailboxes used when multiple people need access to the same @csumb.edu email such as for a department, college or working group.
Table of Contents:
- Accessing a delegated email account.
- Best practices.
- Transparency.
- Delegated email account audit.
- Additional assistance.
Accessing a delegated email account
To request access to a shared mailbox please submit the Delegated Email Account Access service ticket.
Once you have been granted access to a delegated account, you can begin accessing that account from your own @CSUMB email account. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Log in to your CSUMB Google email account.
- Click your account photo or the circle with your first initial in it (located in the upper-right corner of the page).
- From the drop-down menu, select the desired delegated account. A new window or tab will open displaying the delegated account.

Please note: No other Google Workspace services (e.g., Google Drive, YouTube, Blogger) are available through email delegation.
Best practices
Here are a few tips on best practices for using your delegated email accounts:
- Check and respond to email from your shared mailbox at least once every business day. We suggest selecting several times throughout the day- once in the morning, once after lunch and once before the end of the day.
- When sending an email be sure to sign your name (Example: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Amy).
- Refer to University Communications Cal State Monterey Bay Brand Guide. Specifically:
With shared mailboxes, the message sent will include both a From and a Sent By email address.
This aligns with the original email specification that began in 1982 and was last updated in 2008 (see section 3.6.2 of RFC 5322), which emphasizes transparency and accountability by indicating "the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message."
For example, if the From is animation@csumb.edu and the Sent By is wdisney@csumb.edu, then upon Reply or Reply All, only the From is used in the response.
In addition, many email clients outside of Gmail don't even show the Sent By as we see it in our campus Google mail.
Delegated email account audit
Starting Fall 2024, Information Technology will perform an annual audit of all share mailboxes to make sure they are being used. Unused accounts that remain active are not only a waste of resources but also constitute a cybersecurity risk to our campus.
This year's audit will start taking place on November 25, 2024.
How the audit will work
During the audit, all shared mailboxes will receive an email from technology_help_desk@csumb.edu. That email will asked the account owners/users to fill out a linked Google form to show that the delegated email account is being used, as well as update information information about the account and it's audience.
All audits will be announced via dashboard message and other staff/faculty communication channels before they are performed.
We are here to work with delegated account users to consolidate multiple accounts using aliases so that we can reduce the number of delegated email accounts around campus and you have fewer accounts to check. This will be taken into account in the form linked in our email.
2024 Audit timeline
Audit emails sent out to all CSUMB delegated email accounts: November 25, 2024
Reminder emails sent to delegated accounts: December 9, 2024
Email audit ends: December 17, 2024
Accounts not in use will be suspended on or around February 10, 2025.
Email accounts deleted: May 9, 2025.
Once the audit is over, Information Technology will compile a list of unaccounted for or requested account removals accounts to suspend and eventually remove - including working with clients who wish to consolidate multiple email accounts and work towards suspending the unused accounts on or around February 3, 2025.
First Email
For transparency and to alleviate any possible phishing concerns here is the text of the email that will be received by delegated email accounts:
Dear Delegated Email Account Holder-
Information Technology is conducting an audit of all 788 delegated shared mailboxes on our email system to ensure they are in use and needed.
This audit is necessary to maintain the security and efficiency of our email system.
Please complete this Google Form by December 17, 2024:
[Link to Google form will be here].
For more information on delegated accounts and our audit process and timeline please visit our Delegated Email Accounts knowledge base article.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reply to this email or call our Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357. We appreciate your cooperation.
Reminder Email
Dear Delegated Email Account Holder-
This is just a reminder that Information Technology is conducting an audit of all 788 delegated shared mailboxes on our email system to ensure they are still used and needed.
Thank you if you’ve already taken the time to fill out the Google form below. This audit is necessary to maintain the security and efficiency of our email system.
If you haven’t already done so, please fill out this Google form by December 17th.
[Link to form].
For more information on delegated accounts and our audit process and timeline please visit our Delegated Email Accounts knowledge base article.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reply to this email or call our Technology Help Desk at 831-582-4357. We appreciate your cooperation.
Final Email
This means you either did not fill out the delegated shared account audit survey or asked us to remove this account in your audit survey.
Our next steps:
- Monday February 10, 2025: Accounts we don’t hear from will be placed in suspended status within Google Workspace. You will no longer be able to access this account.
- Friday May 9, 2025: Deletion of account. Once an account is deleted from our system we can not reverse this action and any data in the account will be lost.
If this is an error please reply to this email to let me know and I will remove you from the list of accounts to be removed.
For more information please read Delegated email account audit section of our Delegated Email Account (Shared Mailboxes) knowledge base.
Additional assistance
- Submit an IT Ticket for delegation changes to Delegated, Club or Greek Email Accounts.
- Technology Help Desk: 831-582-HELP (4357).