IT Computer & Software Quotes

University Corporation, grant-funded and self-support departments can buy new computers, replace older computers, or acquire specialty machines or accessories with department funds. The IT Department does not provide support for hardware that is purchased outside this process.

Submit an IT ticket to request a quote for:

  • Standard and non-standard computer hardware and accessories
  • Software and other non-computing devices from IT

In most instances we can generate Apple quotes within 2-business days. Quotes for non-standard computer hardware can take longer because it usually involves consultation with the customer and the re-seller or vendor representative.

You need to use the IT Contract Approval process when:

  • Requesting a new software application through a licensing agreement (cloud based or installed locally)
  • Requesting an amendment to an existing software licensing agreement (cloud based or installed locally)
Submit IT Ticket

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Standard MacOS and Windows laptop computer configurations for CSUMB faculty and staff.
How to order an iPad for your department.
Standard HP Windows and Apple MacBook laptop quotes to support our laptop-first strategy.
This list contains the standard software installed on CSUMB-owned Mac computers
This list contains the standard software installed on CSUMB-owned Windows computers