Windows Classroom Software

Software installed on Windows computers in instructional spaces

Articles (11)

Pinned Article Standard Windows Lab Software (Fall 2023)

This is the standard windows software package available in all Windows labs for the fall of 2022.

College of Business Windows Lab Software (Fall 2023)

This software list is for Windows computers in the specialized classroom/lab spaces to support Fall 2022 College of Business courses.

College of Business Windows Lab Software (Fall 2024)

This software is for Windows computers in the specialized classroom/lab spaces to support Fall 2024 College of Business courses.

College of Science - Biology & Geospatial Windows Lab Software (Fall 2024)

This software is for Windows computers in the specialized classroom/lab spaces to support Fall 2024 College of Science Biology & Geospatial courses.

College of Science Windows Lab Software (Fall 2024)

Software found in the College of Science Windows Labs in Fall of 2024

School of Computing and Design Windows Lab Software (Fall 2024)

Computer software in the School of Computer and Design Windows Labs for fall of 2024.

World Languages & Cultures Windows Software List (Fall 2024)

This software is for Windows computers in the specialized classroom/lab spaces to support Fall 2024 World Languages and Cultures courses.

College of Science Windows Lab Software (Fall 2023)

This software list is on the windows computers in classroom spaces designated for the College of Science.

College of Science - Biology & Geospatial Windows Lab Software (Fall 2023)

This software list is on the windows computers in classroom spaces designated for the College of Science for Biology and Geospatial courses.

School of Computing and Design Windows Lab Software (Fall 2023)

This software list is on the windows computers in classroom spaces designated for the School of Computing and Design.

World Languages & Cultures Windows Software List (Fall 2023)

This software list is on the windows computers in classroom spaces designated for World Languages & Cultures.