If you work remotely and change your CSUMB password, your CSUMB-owned Windows 10 computer will retain your old password unless you follow these instructions:
Step 1: Sign into Okta: https://csumb.okta.com/
Go to your settings: https://csumb.okta.com/enduser/settings
![Settings is highlighted in pulldown menu](https://csumb.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=c1411643-7bd4-4af6-b033-ec92dcaba450.JPG)
Change your password in the Change Password pane of the settings screen
![Change Password box with empty fields for current passord, new password, confirm new password.](https://csumb.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=b742034a-2969-47f3-a8a6-42e53a09680c.JPG)
Sign out of Okta:
![Sign out is highlighted from pulldown menu](https://csumb.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=ccdcd6ea-0094-4a14-b83d-6b32707dbe5b.JPG)
Step 2: Log into your GlobalProtect VPN with your new password. (If it asks you for a portal address it is: vpn.csumb.edu)
Step 3: Press Windows Key + L on your keyboard to lock your screen. Leave it locked for 15 minutes.
Step 4: Sign back in using your new password 15 minutes.