Lab Software Review


The Lab Software Review (LSR) is a joint process sponsored by Technology Support Services in cooperation with the Faculty Senate Technology Committee and the Center for Academic Technologies (CAT). The purpose is to establish relevant software packages for academic computing labs at CSUMB.

Recent changes to the campus budgeting process will necessitate changes to the lab software adoption process. At this point, requests for new software titles will need to have associated costs and funding identified prior to final approval and acquisition. We are working with the budget office to finalize details and will work with individual departments and requestors to request funding.

Spring 2025 Lab Software Review

The Spring 2025 Lab Software Review is now underway. The purpose of the review is to establish software content for academic computing labs at CSUMB. The Fall 2024 review is a major update to establish software standards for the Spring 2025 academic computing labs. 

As this will be a comprehensive review, please submit requests for all required software, including titles installed in previous semesters.

During the review, we will be evaluating all software to make sure it meets accessibility criteria. We may need to contact you for additional information.

Please submit your department's requests by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Lab software request process for faculty

  1. Department Coordinators contact their respective departments for requested software. You will want to know the following information:
    • Department:
    • Instructor Name:
    • Instructor Email:
    • Instructor Phone:
    • Academic Term:
    • Course Name, Number, Section and Location:
    • Number of Students:
    • Software Title and Version:
    • Software Publisher:
    • Software Product Website:
    • Operating System:
    • Does the software require a license to be purchased?
    • Justification for Software:
    • Specify any Special Configuration Needed:
    • Is this software needed in any other lab location? If so, please specify where and why.
  2. Department Coordinators fill out this form for their department’s requested software titles and needs, one software title per ticket: Lab Software Review Form
  3. Software requests are due by Friday, Demember 6, 2024.
  4. IT contacts Department Coordinators and faculty to discuss and evaluate the software. Where applicable, IT will also test the software for compatibility and security. Approval/purchase of the software is not guaranteed.
  5. November 6 - December 13, 2024: IT reviews and evaluates software requests as they are submitted. This process includes contacting software vendors for quotes/licensing and  procurement.
  6. December 16, 2024: Fall 2024 loadset information will be published on the IT Software page. IT will contact Department Coordinators and faculty to let them know the approval status of the requested software.
  7. December 16 - Jan 21, 2025: IT tests, prepares, and deploys software titles to appropriate computers for user acceptance testing. IT will coordinate with department staff and faculty to test lab software.

Department coordinators for lab software review

We work closely with department coordinators throughout the year to discuss your department's classroom and lab software needs and changes in curriculum relating to Information Technology. This ensures the correct software titles are purchased and unused software is removed from classroom and lab computers.

Windows Classroom Software for Fall 2024

Software installed on Windows computers in instructional spaces.

Mac Classroom Software for Fall 2024

Software installed on Mac computers in instructional spaces.



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